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Administration Router

The Admin router will generate a set of endpoints for Administration permissions.

  • GET /get_blacklist
  • POST /toggle_blacklist
  • GET /get_blackout
  • POST /set_blackout
  • DELETE /delete_blackout
  • GET /get_id_by_username
  • POST /kick

Setup The Administration Router

To Setup the Admin service, you will need to add all requirements to the object AdminService.

from typing import Callable, Optional
from import AdminService
from authx.backend import UsersRepo

        repo = UserRepo,
        admin_required = Callable

This one gonna help use to use the setup repository and the admin_required.

Let's Provide the AdminService:

from authx import Authentication
from fastapi import FastAPI

app = FastAPI()
auth = Authentication()

app.include_router(auth.admin_router, prefix="/api/users")

Get Blacklist

As we know we will use the GET mehtod to get the blacklist, so we will need to create a endpoint for this.

    async def get_blacklist():
        service = AdminService()
        return await service.get_blacklist()

The service.get_blacklist() method will return a list of usernames that are blacklisted.

async def get_blacklist(self) -> dict:
    return await self._repo.get_blacklist()

This one is based on UsersManagementMixin where we create a function that will return a list of usernames that are blacklisted.

Toggle Blacklist

As we know we will use the POST mehtod to toggle the blacklist, so we will need to create a endpoint for this.
    async def toggle_blacklist(*, id: int):
        service = AdminService()
        return await service.toggle_blacklist(id)

The service.toggle_blacklist(id) method will toggle the blacklist of the user with the given id.

async def toggle_blacklist(self, id: int) -> None:
    return await self._repo.toggle_blacklist(id)

This one also is based on UsersManagementMixin where we create a function that will toggle the blacklist of the user with the given id.

Get Blackout

As we know we will use the GET mehtod to get the blackout, so we will need to create a endpoint for this.

    async def get_blackout():
        service = AdminService()
        return await service.get_blackout()

The service.get_blackout() method will return a list of usernames that are blacklisted, if an error it will raise an exception (404).

This one is based on UsersManagementMixin, but it return data from redis cache that why take Care, and Configure your redis server.

Set Blackout

The POST mehtod to set the blackout, this one gonna set the blackout for the user with the given id.
    async def set_blackout():
        service = AdminService()
        return await service.set_blackout()

Back to service.set_blackout() method, we will need to get the id from the request, and the time from the request.

async def set_blackout(self) -> None:
    epoch = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)
    ts = int((datetime.utcnow() - epoch).total_seconds()) + 10
    await self._repo.set_blackout(ts)
    return None

the _repo.set_blackout(ts) set the ts to the redis cache.

Delete Blackout

The DELETE mehtod to delete the blackout, this one gonna delete the blackout for the user with the given id.

    async def delete_blackout():
        service = AdminService()
        return await service.delete_blackout()

Now we could take a look at the service.delete_blackout() method.

async def delete_blackout(self) -> None:
    await self._repo.delete_blackout()

At this point, the blackout will be deleted from the redis cache.


All of this is set on redis cache, so you need to configure your redis server.

Get ID By Username

Now, after we finish the Blacklist and Blackout, we will need to create a endpoint to get the id of the user with the given username.

    async def get_id_by_username(*, username: str):
        service = AdminService()
        return await service.get_id_by_username(username)

Now to understand how this one works, we will need to create a function that will return the id of the user with the given username, and this is service.get_id_by_username(username) method.

async def get_id_by_username(self, username: str) -> Optional[dict]:
    item = await self._repo.get_by_username(username)
    return {"id": item.get("id")}

We get the username from database, and if it is not found, we will return None.


For the kick, we will need to create a endpoint to kick the user with the given id, this router need a POST method.
    async def kick(*, id: int):
        service = AdminService()
        return await service.kick(id)

As we see, we will need to get the id from the request, and then we will call the service.kick(id) method.

async def kick(self, id: int) -> None:
    await self._repo.kick(id)

And this will kick the user with the given id, but need to take care, if the user is not found, we will raise an exception (404).

Also, this need the Key relate to cache, and the _access_expiration is the time that the user will be kicked.


Configure your redis server, or check this redis Configuration.