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Base Models

Define your Base models

There are four Pydantic models variations provided as mixins:

  • UserInRegister – User model for registering.
  • UserInCreate – User model for creating.
  • UserInLogin – User model for logging in.
  • UserInForgotPassword – User model for forgot password.
  • UserPayload – User model for payloads.
  • UserInSetPassword – User model for setting password.
  • UserInChangePassword – User model for changing password.
  • UserInChangeUsername – User model for changing username.
  • UserPrivateInfo – User model for private info.

You should define each of those variations, inheriting from each mixin:

from authx.models import user

class register(user.UserInRegister):

class Create(user.UserInCreate):

class login(user.UserInLogin):

class private(user.UserPrivateInfo):

Adding your own fields

You can of course add your own properties there to fit to your needs. In the example below, we add a required string property, first_name, and an optional string property, phone.

from authx.models import user

class register(user.UserInRegister):
    first_name: str
    phone: str

class login(user.UserInLogin):
    first_name: str
    phone: str

class UserUpdate(user.UserInChangeUsername):
    first_name: str
    phone: str

Check the pydantic documentation for more information.

Check also: