Pydantic models represent the data structure of a user. Base classes are provided with the required fields to make authentication work. You should sub-class each of them and add your own fields there.
➡️ Models
AuthX is compatible with MongoDB (other ORMs & providers coming soon). To build the interface between the database tool and the library, we provide a database adapter class that you need to instantiate and configure.
AuthX is compatible and extendible with the necessary tools to work with SQL databases thanks to the Encode/Databases library.
➡️ Database
AuthX provides Redis cache, a fast and reliable cache provider that can be used
to cache the authentication results and store the user data. This one is based
on redis
a pure Python asynchronous Redis client.
➡️ Cache
AuthX provides strong Utils to work with while developing your API. JWT is a
simple and secure way to authenticate users, Now also we Have a supportable
Sessions based on Redis; Captcha is a simple way to protect your API from bots;
and Hashlib
to generate a strong password hash.
➡️ Security
Helping Developers to create, read, update and delete data is a common task. AuthX provides an Extensible CRUD API Helping you integrate it with your existing code.
Designing and configuring your API is a very important part of the development process. We provide a strong CRUD functional API to manage your API.
➡️ Services
AuthX object is the main class from which you'll be able to generate routers for
classic routes like registration, login or logout but also get the
dependency factory to inject the authenticated user in your own
➡️ Routers
Supporting OAuth2 is one of the most important feature of AuthX. We provide a middleware to handle the OAuth2 flow for both FastAPI app and Starlette app that could help you to integrate AuthX with your existing app.
Supporting Pyinstrument is also a helpful feature of AuthX. We provide a middleware to instrument your API, and check your service code performance.
➡️ Middleware
AuthX provides a Socket.IO server that can be used to communicate with your API.
➡️ SocketIO